I've posted a few pictures but they've been a bit disconnected. So I'm going to attempt to take you on a virtual tour of the garden as it is now, i.e. before I start work on it. All I've done so far is cut the lawns. We'll start at the back door...
Looking straight out of the back door is a brick/wood pergola covered with a mix of climbers, but mostly the yellow canary creeper, Tropaeolum peregrinum, which has self-seeded to excess absolutely everywhere.
Turning right just before the pergola takes you through an arch to the original cottage garden.
Part of the old cottage garden.
Turning right towards the conservatory is a pretty circular garden by the conservatory. Buried under last years' mess is a lovely collection of unusual hellebores and pulmonarias
Tuesday, 13 March 2007
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I have enjoyed this site and bookmarked it.
I hope your change to pro is not too trying ( potting up 1000 new plants in two days?,yikes )
On the other hand you seem to be quite happy with it all.
Good luck, so far it looks like you are up and running so I wish you many customers.
Dutchy ( proboard gardenworld discussions etc. )
Hi, Trillium, I understand your blog name as trilliums are some of my favorites, too. I live in the USA but make an annual pilgrimage to England to visit gardens and photograph wildflowers. Last year, I visited the Bluebell Cottage Garden and plan to visit again this coming spring. I particularly liked the wildflower meadow, of course. Do you plan to maintain the meadow and will your open to the public hours remain the same?
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